Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Using drag n drop to run offline maintenance - no paths to type !

You can use a drag technique to save you a lot of typing when you wish to run a maintenance task such as Compact offline. In our example below our directory paths are nice and short but "in the wild" we have seen some fairly elaborate Notes and Domino directory pathing and in those instances this tip can just make things lot easier. This trick works for either the Notes Client or for Domino.

Our example is the Notes client, so we shut down the client.

Open a Command Prompt, then in Windows Explorer navigate to the required server task in the Notes Program directory, eg. ncompact.exe and drag it into the Command Prompt window. Then hit the space-bar to put a space.

So now in the Command window you will see the full path to the task.

 Navigate to the database you would like to run the task on and drag the database into the Command window.

Type the required maintenance switch to the end (eg. -c) Now you have the required path info for the task, the database and the switch option

 Hit Enter and you are asked for the password for the ID file being used. Type in the password and hit Enter and away it goes! 

 All you had to type was the password and the maintenance switch option for the task.

Note: If your paths include a space you will need to put quotes around them.

1 comment:

Matt Holthe said...

Drag and Drop puts the quotes around the full name if there is a space (it will put "C:\Program Files..." in quotes) - so you don't even need to type those! Great tip!