HCL Domino Development has identified a critical issue affecting
ALL Domino server versions as of December 13, 2024.
Here are you options !
HCL have already created and are continuing to work on fixes for Domino 9.01 onwards.
For Customers with Active Support (S&S) you can access the fix via the My HCL Software Portal. Fixes are available only for customers with valid entitlements and active support (or extended support for v9/v10).
For Customers Without Active Support you must restart using the Domino CCB Term license or contact HCL Sales/Support.
Fixes are not available for customers without active support unless they reinstate support or purchase specific fixes.
For IBM Domino v9 and v10 Customers:
Scenario 1: Customers with active S&S and extended support can open a support case to receive the fix.
Scenario 2: Customers without active S&S or extended support must reinstate S&S to receive fixes.
Scenario 3: Customers with newer Domino versions (active S&S) but older v9/v10 without extended support must:
- Open a support case to receive the fix.
- Commit to one of the following:
Option (a): Purchase Extended Support (12-month fixed fee, 20% of annual S&S or $10,000 USD minimum).
Option (b): Purchase the specific fix $ per version/OS combination you require.
UPDATE: I've been told you MUST have active S&S to get the fix - you can't just purchase it. That is not an option.
Important Notes: Fixes will not be available for all interim versions of IBM Domino v9/v10. Customers on versions older than v9.0.1 (e.g., v8.5 or v7.x) must upgrade to supported versions (v12.0.2 or v14.0.x) to receive fixes.
If you are in Australia or New Zealand and want a hand, contact us and we’ll do whatever we can to help out.