Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Changing a Domino server IP address - is it still problematic ?

Once upon a time changing a Domino servers IP address was very problematic. The client would cache the old IP addresses and store them in the location documents. Similar issues occurred on with Servers and Connection documents.

The documentation here covers it —>


It appears that things may of changed as during recent testing we found the $SavedAddresses in the Location document contain hostnames not IP addresses. So an IP address change just works (from the Client to the Server).

Now I don't know how deep these changes go, and the documentation above certainly does not indicate it's been done throughout the system.

Has anyone had recent experience in this area and able to comment ?

Many thanks.


savl said...

Two years ago, during a mass update of all clients, we switched to using dns names instead of ips. We use it everywhere from connections, to server documents and in code when generating links.

Steven Vaughan said...

On the server, make sure you also change the IP address in:
Server document (ports tab) if applicable
Connection documents referencing the changed server
DNS (if applicable)

Adam Osborne said...

Thanks for your comments and suggestions. I post later on what ended up happening.

Steven Vaughan said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention the local HOSTS file :)

Adam Osborne said...

I can confirm that we rollout the change, just using hostnames and everything changed over without any drama. Nice work HCL