Wednesday, June 26, 2013

DBMT Integration in (less than)1000 words

They say a picture is worth a Thousand words..... so here's Two (plus a few words).

To show how our Defrag.NSF/DBMT integration works we decided to target a single mail file database so the seamless maintenance automation could be captured in a single Domino console screenshot.

On Defrag.NSF's  "DBMT Schedule" panel we target a single database (normally it would run maintenance over the entire Data or Mail directory).

We targeted a mail file called Photos.nsf in the Path field of the control panel, and enabled the schedule.

And away we go......

In less than 20 seconds the database has had Compact, Updall and Defrag maintenance completed, all configured from one tab in Defrag.NSF. Nothing more to do!

Click here for more information on Defrag.NSF

(C)opyright Preemptive Consulting Pty Ltd

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